Pisces are known for being very intuitive and seeming to have old souls. This may translate into a perceived ability to know what's best for children and an innate sensibility when it comes to handling hardship in life. Pisces is also notorious for escaping conflict and taking refuge in a comfy bubble made of denial when [s]he faces tough times. In terms of parenting, these are two important points to consider. The fishy parents must learn to face the discomfort of problem-solving and confrontation. While many solutions can be sensed, some problems must be addressed directly and promptly. This sign is often labeled as a doormat because of Pisces inability to say no and his/her obsession with making others' comfort and happiness a priority. When Pisces becomes a parent, this quality is much more admirable as it is applied to the comfort and happiness of a child. Pisces' free-flowing nature could be problematic when raising kids that are naturally structured. His/her ultra-sensitivity and sometimes delicate nature can also be taxed by a fiery, high-strung child.
Pros: As the sign with arguably the richest and most intense fantasy world and imagination, Pisces makes creates a compelling world for a child to exist in. [S]he naturally brings fantasies to life and encourages children to dream. Pisces parents are extremely intuitive and can easily sense the needs and desires of their offspring. Pisces most definitely does a great job of bringing out the sweetness in children.
Cons: Pisces is an absent-minded sign. Getting children to school on time and paying attention to details can be a challenge. Pisces parents may struggle to discipline children effectively/consistently. This sign has the worst reputation for substance-abuse and addiction, which may play a role in acting against successful parenting.