Saturday, July 23, 2011

I guessed a couple!

Tonight, at work, I served a couple with a two-year-old son.  Both parents were very attentive and extremely prepared.  The mom had all kinds of food and activities to occupy the little guy.  He seemed like he could be a handful, but I never once had to assist the parents.  I rarely encounter families like this.  Usually parents are happy to have their child's food rushed, a plate of orange slices offered, or a blob of pizza dough for him to play with.  When the dad was in the bathroom, I asked the mom, "What is your sign?  I rarely wait on parents that are this prepared with their children.  I admire how much you've planned ahead."  She then invited me to guess her sign.  I said I thought she was either a Leo or a Virgo.  She laughed and said, "I'm a Virgo and my husband is a Leo.  So is my son."

I'm not sure if it's my Piscean intuition or the fruits of my labor as an astrologer, but it was pretty exciting to guess correctly.

Virgo and Leo are both signs that are known for being prepared for anything (excluding emotional breakdowns or spontaneous adventure-seeking from counterparts, of course).

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Cindy. Its Noel. First time visiting your site, and I love it. Its funny that you guessed that couple, as you well know I am a Leo. And my Boyfriend of two years is a Virgo. Is it the same with a leo women and virgo man?
