Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Leo Parents

Parenting comes naturally to Leo.  Just as a lion rules the jungle, Leo is comfortable directing in the home.  With high standards for themselves, Leos are able to set the bar high for their children and give lots of direction on how to achieve their goals.  Always prepared, Leo mothers never fail to figure out a solution to any problem.  There isn't anything a Leo dad can't fix.  Leo's are likely to push their children into participating in competitive activities like sports and will surely be the loudest fan in the stands.  Winning is important to Leo, but they are also able to accept loss gracefully.

Pros:  Generous, extravagant, strong-willed, pushes child to excel.

Cons:  Hot-tempered, controlling, risk of unrealistic expectations for child.

Values Learned from Leo Parent:  Independence, efficiency, pride in oneself.

How to Spot Them in a Crowd:  The mom pulling an itinerary for the day out of her large purse full of snacks, band-aids, quarters, and whatever else anyone might need.  The dad forcing everyone to admire  wallet photos of his kids.

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