Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Horoscope for September 11, 2012

Aries:  The heaviness that may have settled over you for the past few days is likely to be gone by now.   You're probably feeling lighthearted and up for some fun.  A new romance or the revitalization of an old one is likely at this time.

Taurus:  Focus on tying up lose ends and making accomplishments today.  Don't start anything new, but rather finish what you've already started.  Give yourself something fun to look forward to so you don't get bummed out working all day.

Gemini:  You're going to find yourself chatting more than usual today.  If you're on a tight schedule, keep your eye on the clock as you're at risk for getting caught up in conversation.  A short trip, if possible, will help ease your mental restlessness and curiosity.

Cancer:  You may be feeling a little impatient and restless, especially at work.  It's not a bad idea to think about changing jobs, but I wouldn't go off of today's energy.  It's going to pass.  Try to practice patience.  Meditate on changes you want to make or how you'd like to reform yourself.

Leo: You're likely to have a strong sense of duty and fulfill any promises you make today.  It's a good time to enjoy the harmony and pleasures of life.  With that being said, it's not exactly the best day for being social.  You may want to go shopping, try building something, meditating, or gardening in preparation for winter.

Virgo:  Being forced to focus on requirements and responsibilities may temporarily leave you feeling down in the dumps.  Maybe you should plan something fun for this evening so you have something to look forward to.

Libra:  Your confidence should be high today and you're able to accomplish a lot.  Participating in physical activities like sports or exercise of some kind is favored.  If nothing else, just make sure you are productive at this time.

Scorpio:  Service to other should be the theme for your day.  You may be feeling a little emotionally out of control, so avoid tension at home by getting out and doing something to help out where you're needed.  Making big decisions, especially concerning your career, is not favored at this time.

Sagittarius:  While it's not a great day to try coming to an agreement on some irritating issue, it is important that you air your grievances today.  Any major purchases need to be discussed with your partner.  If there's something you've been needing to get to the bottom of, now is the best time to do it.

Capricorn:  It's your turn to experience a strange sense of isolation from the masses.  If you find yourself feeling a little blue, it just means you're being affected by this energy.  Focus on figuring out exactly how you define your values.  Try not to be critical of others.  Keep an objective outlook.  Tomorrow has a much lighter, more friendly vibe.

Aquarius:  Socialization is favored today.  Plan to visit with friends or attend some kind of party.  You're in a position to overindulge, so be careful.  If a reoccurring problem surfaces again in your life, you need to finally tackle it with confidence.  A heart-to-heart talk with one of your parents can be very helpful at this time.

Pisces: You may find yourself taking the lead with something new or getting a fresh start somewhere today.  It's a good time to make new friends or possibly ignite a new romance.  Work on improving your skills and expanding your knowledge. Watch your spending and be sure to really think before you speak at this time.  There's a bit of a risk for being hurtful... which isn't something you're comfortable wiyh, so pay attention.

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