Saturday, November 10, 2012

Horoscope for November 10, 2012

Aries:  You may have little disturbances in your close relationships today.  This may lead you to a place where you're not sure about where things are going.  If this happens, just mentally take a break from the topic and stay busy doing other things.  If you feel bad about a debate or argument you've recently had, don't.  It's not in your nature to varnish the truth or go without having your say.  The heat will pass.

Taurus:  There's a bit of a youthful, adventurous energy headed your way.  You may feel the urge to do something different.  Be sure to think things through and don't do something just for the sake of rebelling as a child would.  You're likely to look out for the underdog at this time and may be a little obsessed with your friends and coworkers.  I suggest embracing this energy, but knowing your place.

Gemini:  Gemini, or even people with Gemini in his or her natal chart, are almost guaranteed to feel a little foggy mentally.  Daydreaming and reminiscing are favored.  Trying to formulate ideas and communicate effectively is not.  If there's someone that seems to be avoiding you or answering your questions with vagueness, just leave him or her alone.  That person probably just needs to recharge in solitude.  It's nothing you've done.

Cancer:  Hey, Cancer Crabs!  Today is perfect for starting a change.  Self-improvements of all kinds are favored.  You just need to get out there and do it.  Be ready to let go of something if need be.  There's also a good chance someone in your inner circle needs your advice.  If you find yourself in this position, remember not to be too motherly or preachy and you can really help that person out.

Leo:  Today is all about generosity, creativity, and showing appreciation.  Indulge in the rewards of being nice and having fun.  Neptune entered into Pisces today, where it will stay for fourteen years.  For you, this means you are in a position to hone your intuitive abilities.  Also, be careful with taxes, insurance, and mortgages.  Read all the fine print and pay attention to every detail to guarantee success.

Virgo:  You're likely to be shaking things up a bit today.  Embrace the urge to do things differently from your usual routine.  It will be good for you.  Also, if you're getting fed up with a friend who seems to be getting walked on, don't try to stand up for him or her.  Offer moral support and patience instead.  It's not your place this time.

Libra:  There's a good chance you're feeling energetic and aggressive today.  If your will is blocked, watch your temper.  It's a good day to achieve goals.  If you're getting sick of someone you're close to, spend a little time away.  It will be good for both of you.

Scorpio:  It's a lazy day for Scorp.  You're at risk for self-indulgence and believing things will just work themselves out with no effort on your part.  It's a great time to take a vacation from your responsibilities.  Just don't go overboard.  Also, if you feel like you're being pushed or bossed around today, just keep your cool and let it go.  You're pretty independent and don't appreciate this kind of treatment, but this particular situation is only temporary.

Sagittarius:  Material benefits are likely to come your way.  Try not to spend too generously.  It's a great time for a vacation or a little indulging.  I would advise you to be reasonable, but part of you is a beast.  Sagittarius is known for working hard and playing hard.  I'm sure you deserve the fun you're likely to have today.  Also, expect your domestic realm and your understanding of where you're meant to be in the world to come into focus.  These topics are likely to stay in your mind for the next fourteen years.

Capricorn:  It's a really good time for exercising your creative mind.  Try making something today.  You're not in a good mental state to see romantic prospects clearly.  If you're in an established relationship, embrace being romantic.  If you're uninterested in any of this, just going to work and calling it a day isn't a bad idea.

Aquarius:  It's a nice time to spend the day conversing and exchanging ideas with other people.  If there's someone you're uncomfortable with, today is a good time to make a breakthrough.  You're able to be more candid and open than usual without insult or offense.  Isolating yourself into being alone would be your only mistake at this time.

Pisces:  If you're reading this now, take a moment to mentally commit to patience today.  I don't mean that you should do less or do those things with less urgency, but plan to stay positive and cheerful even if you find others standing in your way.  Just make sure you're not being used or letting anyone take advantage of you.  Make your sure your voice is heard.  Also, today marks the first day of a fourteen year period for which your finances and values come to the fore of your mind.  Small changes towards improving these areas are favored at this time.  Expect to feel especially good about yourself if you're saving, spending wisely, contributing, and doing things the right way.

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