Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Capricorn Parents

One of the interesting things about Capricorns is that while they make for mature, stuffy old-manish children, the older they get, the more they loosen up.  While a teenaged Capricorn may have the same affinity for golf and khaki as the one in his eighties, the difference is that the old man doesn't seem out of place in this role.  Capricorns in their prime parenting age are in a good place.  Often labeled as a workaholic, Capricorn Dad is usually the bread-winner.  Capricorn Mom is not likely to be without employment.  If she is a stay-at-home-mother, she runs the household much like a business--schedules, routines, expense reports, etc.  Their conservative spending habits, appreciation for manners, and talent for future-planning are all assets in parenting.  The long-term process of a Capricorn loosening up as a child grows older is a lovely thing to see.  This is not to say that by the time their kids leave the nest, Capricorn is sliding down a stripper pole or throwing money away at a casino.  They will probably still be sticklers for rules and continue to browse the sale ads, but he's learned to lose the tie on the weekends and she isn't afraid to splurge on a fun vacation.

Pros:  Capricorns are ardent savers and hard workers.  Families led by a Capricorn are financially stable.  Children will be well-mannered and aware of their boundaries.  This parent's devotion is unwavering. 

Cons:  Though not as known for being stubborn as fellow Earth Sign, Taurus, Capricorn is secretly more stubborn and set in his ways.  The difference is that he's only this way when it really matters, not just for the sake of being stubborn, like Taurus.  The aforementioned Capricorn workaholic-type is at risk of neglecting family issues if she puts her career first.  

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