Aries: Expect to feel your usual sense of confidence return today after a period of feeling unsure and unmotivated. Start thinking about a new plan for self-improvement (new exercise regimen? new budget? vacation from your daily stresses?) that will be best implemented on the 17th of this month.
Taurus: Your intuition is unusually active today if you just listen to it. You should feel harmonious interacting with others. Use this energy to your advantage by making plans with friends for tomorrow when you can expect this feeling to continue.
Gemini: You probably feel inspired and energetic today. While focusing on one thing isn't something I advise for Gemini, I will say it's a good idea to be cautious today. Don't bite off more than you can chew or take any big risks if you're on the fence about it.
Cancer: You may have an underlying intensity today that could translate into a need to love and be loved, to let go of something that hurt you, or maybe just extra emotions that need to be released. Spend some time writing in a journal or meditating, enjoy being in your nest at home, or if you're in a relationship, plan to spend some quality time with him/her tonight.
Leo: It's a great time to be Leo! Go out to see and be seen! It's a good time to promote yourself and your ideas... you'll gain support. Friend, familial, and/or romantic relations with women are especially favored at this time.
Virgo: Today is about making an important decision. Figuring out the right answer probably won't be easy, so spend some time on this. Dig out some paper and a pen to start mapping out your options, making lists, and weighing pros and cons. Deconstructing a problem to find a solution is one of your many talents. If the change you're seeking involves finance, wait until tomorrow to tackle the issue.
Libra: If you meet someone today or notice an existing relationship (this is not limited to romance and could simply be a new friend) begin to blossom, you should feel good about it. It's very promising. This is a great time to express affection and feel warmth with others.
Scorpio: Family relations might be a little tumultuous today and you might feel irritable or like you can't let problems go. Try to physically release some of this negative energy through exercise of some kind. If you still feel compelled to, work on some ongoing issue that needs to be resolved. For this entire month, if you feel antsy or like you need to focus on something, make your career your top priority. The universe favors Scorpio's pursuit of success at this time.
Sagittarius: Take advantage of any feelings of confidence or your ability to succeed today and go for it. You're likely to be more focused on fun tomorrow, so put the work in today!
Capricorn: Focus your energy inward at this time. When I say
inward, I mean your family and closest friends, your body and vitality, and your home. Don't worry about recognition today. Think of yourself as an elite machine that churns out a valuable product. With this in mind, today is a maintenance day. Clean yourself up and spend some time replenishing, relaxing, and restoring your home-life so you can return to the workforce with energy. If you can't take time off on such short notice, plan to relax a little on Friday, the 3rd.
Aquarius: Don't be surprised if you get extra pissed when others oppose you today or stand in your way. It's probably best to work alone instead of trying to orchestrate a group effort. Try not to be combative, as it will only stir up trouble at this time.
Pisces: It's a good-feeling day for Pisces, but be careful not to overindulge. You're at risk for believing nothing can go wrong, for overspending, and overeating today. Just keep your sensibilities close to your heart. The urge to enjoy friends and downtime carries over into tomorrow. People at work may seem irritable today. If you can manage to avoid having any kind of agenda, you'll be able to play an important role in problem-solving for yourself and others at this time.