Thursday, August 23, 2012

Horoscope for August 24, 2012

Aries:  If you're feeling a little agitated by delays and interruptions today, don't be surprised.  The universe seems to be picking at you.  Maybe you can do some things to make your day a little nicer like eating a good breakfast or playing some sports.  It's not a good day for signing contracts.  Have a treat today.

Taurus:  It's another busy day with errands and phone calls on the agenda.  Try to be flexible.  Embrace a feeling of curiosity or inventiveness.  Your attitude will really determine how your day unfolds, so get it right.  

Gemini:  As the great communicator of the zodiac, you'll be happy to know the universe is encouraging you to exercise this ability.  You should be feeling very optimistic, but are likely to overindulge at this time.  Enjoy any pleasures the day may offer, but be reasonable.

Cancer:  You're likely to be coming out of an intense day yesterday.  If you've felt withdrawn and more moody than usual, it's Ok.  Well, it's always Ok to feel however you feel, in my opinion, but at least you know that something's going on in the universe and it's not just you.  Important internal growth is happening for you at this time.  Try to be at peace with whatever you're feeling.  Try not to overreact or go to the extreme today.  You'll feel this heaviness lift by Saturday.

Leo:  You may be feeling a little moody or nostalgic today.  Let your mind wander and dream a little.  You may want to indulge in some kind of treat.  Be generous with your time and help others if you get the opportunity.

Virgo:  You probably felt very energetic yesterday and quite spent today.  Tomorrow will be experienced best with a dreamy mindset.  You're at risk for making bad decisions due to mental fogginess.  Put off big decisions and just float along for now.

Libra:  It's a really good day to communicate feelings of affection or appreciation to the ones you care about today.  Take in the beauty around you and embrace whatever comfort that brings.  You may even like to try rearranging your living space at this time.

Scorpio:  You may feel a little aimless and passive today.  Embrace this tranquil energy and avoid conflict.  Things that have really mattered to you in the last few days may suddenly seem less important.  While all of this sounds kind of like you're being prepared to be bored or feel that everything is mundane, it's really the opposite.  Instead of doing nothing, a shift in the universe is simply pushing you towards finding inspiration in new places.

Sagittarius:  It's a friendly, social, and laid back day.  Don't push yourself to compete or work too hard. Just enjoy the pleasure of being around people and living your life.

Capricorn:  Your usual drive may have dissipated a little today.  Instead of being so aggressive and working so hard, why not kick back and enjoy time with friends or people that inspire you instead.

Aquarius:  Take care to keep a good balance between work and play today.  Look for inspiration in new places.  Take a walk or go on a drive in the country if time allows.  Maybe you can catch a movie or start a journal to purge some of the constant thought you have.

Pisces:  If you're feeling restless today, you probably just need a little adventure.  Logic and common sense are in short supply right now, so be ready to adjust and adapt accordingly.  Think of the foundation you're trying to build for your future and stay on task.  Pay attention to details and commit to fulfilling all your obligations today.

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