Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Horoscope for August 28, 2012

Aries:  Today is an energetic time for you.  If you're one of the hot-tempered Aries, you may have shorter fuse than usual at this time.  If you're more laid back, just be grateful for more energy to get things done.

Taurus:  You may be feeling a bit like a detective today.  You'll find that you're able to see right through schemes and lies.  You'll probably be attracted to mysterious people and things if you pay attention.  This is a time where the activity of your imagination, as opposed to your usual physical action, is favored.

Gemini:  Today is not ideal for serious and demanding work.  You're probably better off dabbling in the arts--poetry, literature, film--and flitting from person to person, gracing them with your charm and chattiness.

Cancer:  Your self-confidence should be high today and your ability to achieve your goals is certain.  Prepare to assert yourself and to be very physically active at this time."

Leo:  Find new ways to express your opinions and get out to meet new people today.  Practical matters are on your mind and your ability to concentrate and complete tasks is heightened.  If you're able to socialize, you can expect to keep serious topics in play, as opposed to light-hearted banter.

Virgo:  Today calls for you to be flexible and able to think on your feet.  You may find yourself being pulled in many different directions, which tends to scatter one's forces.  Try coming up with new ideas and solutions today.  Even if they seem crazy, there's a good chance they'll work.

Libra:  You're able to reason very well today, so engaging in mental work is favored.  You may find yourself in an argument or two because of your need to assert your opinion.  This is important and you should hold your own at this time.

Scorpio:  Your organizational skills are better than usual today and you should feel good about any work you do towards building a creative base for yourself.  Stay focused and fulfill your obligations at this time.  Something that's been missing is likely to turn up today.

Sagittarius:  Friendship and finance are in great shape for you right now..  The moon is in Aquarius, which you can appreciate, so embrace change and new ideas.  Really think outside of the box today.  It should come easily at this time.

Capricorn:  It's a great time to focus on work and getting rid of things that no longer serve a purpose.  Get rid of all that clutter (maybe even mental clutter) that just sits there in the way all the time.  It will help to enhance your already strong ability to focus today.

Aquarius:  You may find it's easier than usual to speak honestly and openly with friends today. Why not call somebody up and plan something for the evening? This time spent will likely prove to be very therapeutic.  Be guarded at work, however, because your relationship to coworkers isn't the same as friendship.  If someone seems to be after your secrets, redirect that person with an original response and genuine suggestion for a new direction he or she could follow.  If you had intense dreams last night, you may need a little extra sleep tonight.

Pisces:  It's a powerful day for you.  You may not feel like taking care of obligations, but if that's the case, try looking at accomplishing them in new ways.  Business discussions will go well for you today.  Open your mind to approaching your work in a new way.  

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