Monday, August 13, 2012

Horoscope for August 13, 2012

Aries:  You should get along well with others today.  Enjoy strengthening friendships and fun flirtations.  Creative endeavors are favored.

Taurus: It's a fun and flirty day for Taurus.  Don't stay at home.  At work, rely only on yourself and your own resources. Try to be patient and don't lash out at anyone who seems to be standing in the way of progress.

Gemini:  Spell everything out to be crystal clear today.  Your mental state may be a little foggy.  Pay extra attention to details as not to overlook them.

Cancer: Today is a good time to brainstorm and come up with new ideas, either with yourself or in a group--whatever feels best.  Your mind is probably full of ideas that just need to be tapped into.  Expect lots of socializing today.

Leo:  At work, it's a good time to get organized.  Tear down the old to begin rebuilding the new.  Know that you're in the right place at the right time today.  Don't be discouraged by a slow-moving progression or interruptions.  Just keep moving forward.

Virgo:  Something you thought you lost may resurface today.  In relationships, a subject you thought had been put to rest may come up again.

Libra:  Something you thought was lost, forgotten, or finished may resurface today.  It's a good time to get out and meet people and see new, inspiring things.  Interesting conversation is ripe for the picking right now.

Scorpio:  Don't worry if you're feeling a little stagnant and bored in your relationships today.  Interactions with new people are particularly stimulating.  Enjoy the thrill of getting to know someone new, but remember where your allegiance lies.  You can also expect to be more intrigued by mysteries than usual.  Your ability to know when people are being sincere or dishonest is spot on today.

Sagittarius:  You may get help from an unexpected resource today.  It's a good time to take risks and think big.  Employ new problem-solving ideas at this time.

Capricorn:  It's a nice time to think about finances and be mindful of your budget and bills.  It's also a good day to spend time with an old friend or mentor.

Aquarius:  Seek out those who like to have a good time.  Philanthropic and charitable impulses are strong at this time.  If you've been considering working for yourself, it's a good time to really start making that plan workable.  This is an endeavor you can really benefit from.  Otherwise, work on tying up loose ends and taking care of errands and chores today.

Pisces: It's a busy day with lots of calls/texts/interactions with people.  Don't be afraid to make your opinion known.  The spotlight is on cooperation as you consider the direction you're headed and why you've chosen this path.  New relationships may begin forming today.

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