Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Horoscope for August 22, 2012

Aries:  It's a good thing if you have big issues and long-term plans on your mind today.  Try to focus on not overlooking important details.  Don't be lax.

Taurus:  There could be a new romance brewing for you.  Be independent and creative today.  Don't be afraid to go in a new direction.  If you're not into creating things yourself, take time to appreciate the artistry of others.  Even just seeing a movie can work.

Gemini:  There's lots of busywork on the agenda for you today.  It's a good time to run errands and make phone calls.  Be grateful for the work.  You're not one who does well when you don't have much to do.

Cancer:  It would be wise to evaluate your relationships today.  If you're in a romantic partnership, see who is giving more and if there is an imbalance that needs to be adjusted.  Approach this topic carefully, openly, and with a sensitive heart.

Leo:  Be very thorough and meticulous while working today.  You need to make sure you do a good job with everything.  You're building a foundation for something bigger in the future, whether you know it or not.  You'll feel good about the effort you put forth.  Social activity is favored as others are feeling cooperative and relationships should be in a state of contentment.

Virgo:  You may feel instinctively driven to do certain things without really understanding where this drive is coming from.  This energy is coming from the reintroduction of things you haven't thought of or experienced in a long time.  I suggest embracing your intuition and following wherever it leads you.

Libra:  You may be unusually pessimistic today.  If so, it's because you're feeling serious and somber instead of light-hearted and social.  Remember that most people go through bouts of feeling down in this dark place on a regular basis.  Don't sweat it if you're feeling it.  Try not to be critical of yourself and things will brighten after tomorrow.

Scorpio: Though relations with others will go smoothly, you'll work best on your own today.  Concentrate on gathering information and observing things.  Knowledge leads to success.  Don't make any absolute decisions until tomorrow.

Sagittarius:  You're going through a period where you're able to gain lots of power and move yourself in a success-oriented direction.  Watch as you gain recognition and popularity.  Don't hurt others in the process.  It's a really good time to listen and learn from others.

Capricorn:  Your life is probably in a state of flux right now.  It's sometimes difficult to know which changes should be made and what needs to stay the same.  A good indication that the time isn't right is if you're met with lots of opposition or find yourself really having to force the change.  Why not just leave it be for a while?  Try to be patient.  Feelings of irritability are to be expected.  Just breath through it.

Aquarius:  The month ahead will focus on finances for you.  Today you'll find that you keep your own best council.  Anything you want to accomplish is possible at this time.  If you find yourself in some kind of power struggle, you'll be happy to notice that it's enjoyable for you.

Pisces:  If you feel isolated and weird today, it's probably because you're allowing yourself to believe in a feeling of hopelessness that isn't accurate.  Don't allow yourself to dwell on any negative thoughts you may have about your body or aging process at this time.  Don't look to older people for support.  Think about reasons to be joyful and be honest with yourself about the direction you're headed and do whatever is needed to alter that route--should you need to.  Be kind and understanding.  Listen to your intuition to get a feel for the day.

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