Sunday, August 12, 2012

Horoscope for August 12, 2012

Aries:  If you're in a relationship and feel restless, don't be surprised if you're extremely attracted to someone new at this time.  It may be OK to flirt, but don't make any poor decisions, as this feeling is fleeting and will pass.  Applying this restless energy to an exercise routine or spending time creating exciting plans for the future is probably time better spent.

Taurus:  Treat yourself to something indulgent.  Your best choice is something that will improve your appearance or surroundings in some way, as opposed to a fancy dessert or cocktail hour.

Gemini:  As Gemini, your forces tend to be a little (Ok, very) scattered.  The best way for you to focus is by multi-tasking and doing many things at once.  Remember this today if you find it difficult to get anything done.

Cancer:  Today is a good one for thinking about ways to improve yourself.  Keep the big picture in mind, but start off small.  Maybe you'd like to spend more time in prayer or your fitness routine has been lacking.  Perhaps you'd simply like to think more positively.  Pick up a magazine or movie that inspires you.

Leo:  You might have a foggy head today, but you'll be surprised at how well you can communicate.  It's a good day to meet up with friends to do some catching up.  You're able to see both sides of any story at this time.

Virgo:  If you're feeling reflective today, give yourself time and space to meditate or just focus your mind in some way.  It's a great time to visit with elderly folks or a mentor.

Libra:  It's a wonderful time to get out of the house an socialize, but be careful of a tendency to overindulge today.

Scorpio:  Be sure to get out of the house and have some fun socializing today.  You may find yourself texting more than usual.  Might I suggest meeting friends at a bookstore/coffee shop to spend time catching up, browsing literature, and discussing your findings?

Sagittarius:  You're probably going to be busy today.  Exchanging ideas, voicing your opinion, and catching up with friends are all favored.

Capricorn:  If you're feeling restless in your relationship today, try changing up your routine to satisfy your need for something new.  Maybe a new restaurant or rearranging your place will help to satiate you.  Get some exercise.

Aquarius: If you're feeling mentally alert, you're on track to come up with some fresh ideas today.  Try applying some thought outside the box and figure out new solutions for old problems.

Pisces:  If you're going to travel, even just for a ride in the country, be sure to double check your gas levels and pack water.  It's a good time to tie up lose ends and take care of things you've been putting off.

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