Saturday, August 25, 2012

Horoscope for August 25, 2012

Aries:  You're probably yearning for something beautiful or even ethereal at this time.  Watch out for an infatuation that's beginning to grow.  This isn't real.  Enjoy toying with the idea or fantasizing a little, but don't pursue it unless you're Ok with being disappointed.  You can think of other ways to tap into your fantasy world without reckless behavior.  This is your best bet.

Taurus:  Your sense of duty is probably stronger than usual today.  You're likely to fulfill any obligations and keep any promises.  Security is important.  However, you're kind of in a vulnerable place to be taken advantage of at this time.  While fulfilling promises that were already made, I wouldn't suggest making new ones today.

Gemini:  You might be feeling a little passive and downtrodden today.  It's not a great time to make decisions or try to get others to work in your favor.  It's best to step out of the leadership position and just do whatever is comfortable or what works to get by.  Lay low today.

Cancer:  Socialization is favored for you today.  You'll watch as a nice balance of give and take, talk and listen, and harmonious vibes fill the air when you come into contact with others at this time.  I hope you finally feel good and much lighter.  It's time.

Leo:  It's a joyful time for Leo today, so I hope you all feel happy.  Be cautious when committing to things or making promises, though.  Your defenses are weakened at this time.

Virgo:  You're likely to feel a little dreamy and romantic today.  An infatuation will prove to be nothing more than that.  Dabble if you must, but it's not a promising union.  Channel this energy into creative projects if you'd like a more stable outcome for the day.

Libra: Avoid stressful situations or activities that demand too much from you.  You're apt to feeling a little aimless and passive today.  It's a good time for thinking creatively and finding activities that are new and out of the ordinary to inspire you.

Scorpio: Objects and material possessions are important to you at this time.  It's not their monetary worth that means something to you, but the stories and feelings attached to them.  Time spent at home is valuable today. You may be trying to make a decision about your career or some other long-term plan.  If you find yourself doubting the work you've put in, be cautious.  You don't want to hit and emotional downward spiral.  Doubt is a waste of time right now anyway.  Just think of how you can improve upon the situation you're already in instead of leaving it altogether.

Sagittarius:  You're probably really on fire today and tackling all kinds of activities.  It's a wonderful time to be active, but be careful not to overcommit or overexert yourself in the process.  You'll find that your thoughts and feelings are surprisingly aligned at this time.

Capricorn:  You have the energy to take on new projects and complete whatever tasks you set out to tackle today.  Get back into the groove of hard work and enjoy being in your comfort zone.  Reaping the benefits later will be quite fulfilling.  Don't be afraid to strike out on your own or take a strong stand at this time.

Aquarius:  You should have a good amount of energy to tackle the day's activities.  You'll probably have a strong urge to strike out on your own and do your own thing.  This is natural of Aquarius, but more pronounced than usual at this time.

Pisces: You may be feeling a little impatient today, especially with family members.  It's a good time to participate in competitive activities. Don't blur the line between your personal and professional lives today as you advance forward with your career (or make progress looking for a new one).

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