Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Horoscope for August 15, 2012

Aries: Enjoy a lively imagination today.  Try to do something creative or at least give yourself some time to daydream. 

Taurus:  It's your turn, those of you in relationships, to feel restless.  If you're committed to making things work, just give yourself some space to let the feeling pass. 

Gemini: It's important to you to get rid of wasteful things and make your world run more efficiently today.  Expect a good, strong focus with whatever you're doing today.

Cancer:  You may be considering a major overhaul or revision in your ambitions at this time. If you do not have a sense of meaningful purpose or a passionate commitment to anything, you will want to reassess where you are going and why. If you do have a clear goal, you can make significant progress and work with great satisfaction now. An opportunity to do what you really want to do is likely.

Leo:  Relationships are intense right now as suppressed issues and emotions begin to surface.  Try to give yourself room to relax today and evaluate/attend to your mental state.

Virgo:  See horoscope for Leo, as you're being influenced by the same energy today.  Your best bet to diffuse this energy is to sit down and make a list or map out a solution to any problems.

Libra:  See Leo, as your being influenced by the same energy today.  To distract yourself from this energy, if you don't feel like tackling problems, go out and socialize!

Scorpio: Don't start anything new today.  Instead, clear your desk in preparation for tomorrow. 

Sagittarius:  An intense emotional or sexual attraction, a very revealing, intimate encounter, or a powerful desire to be close to and share your deepest feelings with someone is very likely now. Emotions and issues in a close relationship that have been brewing beneath the surface for quite awhile come to the surface at this time, possibly in a very disruptive way. All of your relationships intensify and you need to be aware of your tendency to act in a compulsive, demanding way towards others.

Capricorn: It's a good idea to make room for a little spontaneous energy in your life today.  Try to be flexible. 

Aquarius:  Having to focus on your obligations may get you down in the dumps today.  Try to focus and get things done so you can relax and enjoy yourself by this evening--or at least by tomorrow. 

Pisces:  If you work hard and stay focused today, the rest of the week will be easy.  Also, if you feel a bit of a dark cloud over your head, just force yourself to stay positive.  It will pass soon.