Friday, August 31, 2012

In place of today's horoscope...

I have a general note to every sign.  Tonight's full moon is in Pisces.  To be extremely basic, this means everyone experiences the same effect:  

-more daydreaming/fantasizing 
-increased sensitivity
-emotions that seemingly come out of nowhere (especially Earth Signs [Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo] who are normally quite stable, emotionally.  You may find your heartstrings being tangled a bit).
-trouble focusing or finishing what you start
-letting people get away with more
-difficulty communicating directly

And, for those of you who have had time to reflect and look inward, you may have begun to realize you're being taken advantage of in some way or that you have had a misfortunate experience with something.  

Face reality and do something about it.   Embrace this watery, introspective full moon and get to the bottom of what's been holding you back. 

If this this entry hasn't been direct enough to be useful, I blame the moon in Pisces. *wink* 

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