Sunday, August 19, 2012

Horoscope for August 19, 2012

Aries:  Keep the idea of perseverance in mind all day today.  If you run into delays or obstructions that seem to hold you back in some way, try to be patient.  Just pick up where you left off and continue moving forward.  Try to rely only on yourself at this time.

Taurus:  You'll do well to stay busy today.  Pay attention to your body and get some exercise. Be mindful about what you're eating.  Try not to fret over little things.  Clean up your place.  When you've reached a stopping point today and begin to relax, you're going to feel great.

Gemini:  Today is about keeping things light and enjoying the company of others.  Why not catch a movie or go on a picnic?  Whatever you do, enjoy a harmonious vibe wherever you go.

Cancer:  Your emotions may lead you astray today.  Try not to make decisions while you're having a bout of moodiness or sensitivity.  Going to family or a very close friend to figure things out is better than stewing about it alone at this time.

Leo:  An optimistic attitude will help guide your thoughts towards future events with enthusiasm at this time. Open your mind to seeing connections and possibilities you may have overlooked before.  Work on tying up loose ends, but don't worry about doing everything perfectly today.  Stick close to home.

Virgo:  You may be feeling a little lucky today.  Be careful not to overcommit yourself to things while in this mental state.  You'll end up overwhelmed later on.  Social relations are great for you right now, so enjoy the company of others and your pleasant mood.

Libra: You should be in a pretty good mood today.  There's really not much to say since the universal influences suggest you enjoy socialization--Libra's comfort zone.  Take your time deciding if you try to commit to something at this time.

Scorpio:  Beautiful people, places, and objects are going to probably effect you more intensely than usual today.  Embrace this energy.  Pay extra attention to your diet and get some exercise today.  If you catch yourself worrying, stop.  Maybe you could try journaling at some point during the day.

Sagittarius:  You may be a bit of a perfectionist today.  Apply this energy to your own self-improvement or to the cleanliness of your home.  Try not to fret so much.  If you're feeling competitive and more driven than usual, wonderful.  Just try to be considerate of others when you begin blazing down that path.

Capricorn:  It's a good idea to focus on your home life and what can be improved in this area of your life.  You may feel a need to share closeness with family or friends.  If there are any underlying issues  you've been avoiding, today is a good time to address them.

Aquarius:  It's a good time for business meetings or getting together with friends.  You're tactful and charming today.  If you can squeeze in a short getaway of some kind, you'll be quite fulfilled.  Pay attention to aesthetics and your ability to appreciate them.

Pisces: Pay attention to details today, even if your colleagues are speeding past you in the process.  Keep your own pace and don't compare yourself to others.  Material benefits are likely to find you today.  Social relationships are harmonious.  Sounds good, right?  It is.

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