Friday, August 17, 2012

Horoscope for August 16, 2012

Aries:  You're probably experiencing a strong urge to be close to someone and share your deepest thoughts and emotions at this time.  Be mindful of your aggressive nature.  You may be overbearing or too pushy while in this state of mind.

Taurus:  Best advice for today?  Be flexible and open to change.  If there's a feeling of excitement in the air, you're right on track.

Gemini:  Financial transactions should go smoothly for you today.  On this note, expect financial benefits to come your way as well.  Personal relationships are harmonious and new friendships are possible if you're interested and open.

Cancer:  If you're feeling obsessive or great intensity over what you're doing today, be really careful with your limits.  You have a tendency to keep your deepest feelings isolated in a protective shell, which is Ok, but it makes it difficult for outside help to arrive in time.  Talk to someone you trust about what's going on inside that shell of yours.

Leo:  You probably feel like you know what you want right now, so it's probably best to work alone.  You're at risk for being inconsiderate of others and their own wants and desires.  No one says you have to care about what other people want, but you'll save yourself a little conflict if you just avoid working in a group today.  Take advantage of this drive and accomplish something.  Enjoy the energy.  Roar like a lion if you must.

Virgo:  The moon transits into your sign today.  Basically, if you're Stella, you're getting your groove back.  Your mind is clear, attention to detail is perfect, and all of your methods/orders should be running smoothly.  Get stuff done.

Libra:  Open your mind to receive sudden insight or inspiration.  Today isn't going to be a drag if you just get out there and get moving.  Your mind should be moving more quickly and you're in a great place to come up with new solutions to old problems.

Scorpio:  Think about all the projects you've been working on for a while now.  Pick one and set out to put the finishing touches on it today.  Avoid emotional displays, as you're in the spotlight right now.  Expect to continue moving forward in your career.

Sagittarius:  New opportunities are coming your way.  Consider higher education or long-distance travel.  Your mental state may be a little scattered today.  Try to focus when getting advice from a friend or relative.  You're at risk of being stuck inside your own head and unable to receive heartfelt directive information.

Capricorn:  You might feel extra sensitive to the way others perceive you or more concerned with your social standing than usual today.  The funny thing is that Capricorns are more attractive and interesting to everyone at this time.  Don't try to use this to your advantage.  Using this knowledge to lose some of the anxiety you may be feeling is a safe move.

Aquarius:  Be careful with your quips at work.  Something you think is funny may not be so charming to your coworkers.  You could be experiencing nostalgic feelings associated with past relationships at this time.  The need to have a stable partner for support in your life is strong at this time.  Pay tribute to those you can count on today.

Pisces:  Continue to stay on top of your health and wellness.  It should be easier than usual to eat well and stay active during this time.  It's especially good to focus on your job and daily living if you're in a relationship because it's a tumultuous time emotionally for you.  Communication may be difficult to the point of being a waste of time between your partner and you.  If you find yourself talking about it, remember to be objective and patient for best results.

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