Sunday, August 5, 2012

August 5, 2012 Horoscopes

Aries: A little celebration is in order if you've had good fortune.  You probably feel like indulging in something luxurious or at least showing your friends a good time.  Go with it, but don't overdo it.  Try to spend reasonably and set some boundaries for yourself.  As granny as that sounds, you'll be grateful if you abide.

Taurus:  Your natural inclination to push back when pushed is stronger than usual today.  Normally you're a careful, calculated worker, but if you're feeling irritable or hot-tempered, it's probably best to work alone at this time.  Impulsive behavior is likely to end in an accident.

Gemini:  You get the fun-pass, Gemini!  Beautify your surroundings or spend a little extra time on your appearance today.  Your magnetism is strong.  It's a great time for you to enjoy the pleasures of life and embrace a carefree feeling.

Cancer:  It's your best bet to stay around family and close friends today.  You're likely to experience your famous mood swings all day and probably won't enjoy the company of acquaintances or people you don't know very well.

Leo: Avoid challenging mental work or things that require lots of concentration today.  You're better off pursuing pleasure at this time.  If you're stuck at work or you can't get out of taxing mental activities, just prepare yourself to be accepting of any bumps in the road and stay positive.  It's nothing you can't handle!

Virgo: Buying, selling, and negotiating are all favored tasks for today.  You're mentally clear and able to present your point of view in a powerful way.  You're likely not to listen very well, though, so make an effort in that area.

Libra:  It's a good time to think about financial matters.  Putting a pencil to paper and revamping your budget (or creating one for the first time) will bode well for you today.  Investing in something that will increase in value over time is a good idea... if that's something you've been considering.

Scorpio:  You may feel a little gloomy today, but unlike the case with Sagittarius, yours should clear up by tomorrow.  Just do whatever keeps you comfortable and stay positive.

Sagittarius:  Don't be discouraged if you feel a little pessimistic or disappointed in others today.  It's just the universe.  Keep your thoughts to yourself as much as possible and you'll probably find that you feel a little better tomorrow.  You'll be glad you didn't spread the negativity today.  If you still feel like this for a few days, still don't be discouraged.  It's possible that a feeling of disconnect or detachment may linger for the entire week.  There are benefits to feeling this way.  If you understand that it's not here to stay, you can stay positive.  Also, it's good for a Sadge to have a little bit of a dark cloud since it can sometimes temper an often risky need for adventure and impulse.  Embrace whatever you're feeling and trust that it's meant to be.

Capricorn:  If you can let your aggressive nature rest today, you'll find that going with the flow will really suit you better.  Any offerings out there will come to you if you're just cool about it.

Aquarius:  It's a really nice day for Aquarian folks.  Spending time with friends or strengthening the bonds between you and your alliances are all favored.  You should be energetic, or at least affective today.

Pisces:  It's a really good day to either work on financial matters or spend time with a mentor or someone you look up to as being wiser than you.  Hey, if it works out, maybe you can go over your financial goals with that wise person you have in mind!  There's another bit of energy surrounding your sign today.  It encourages you to talk to someone that's been weighing on your mind.  Honesty is your best bet today.

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