Thursday, August 2, 2012

Horoscope for August 2, 2012

Aries:  It's a good day to rearrange your home or add something to your decor.  If you're in a relationship, doing something to improve it is favored today.

Taurus:  If you're feeling sociable, it's a good time to go ahead and join friends in something fun and show yourself a good time.  Even if you're stuck at work, try to enjoy the company of your coworkers.

Gemini: Avoid abusing substances today.  You're likely to be a little off or groggy mentally as it is at this time.  Pay attention to details as best you can and double check appointment times to make sure you don't forget.  If you can afford to and don't feel like fighting the battle, take the day off and do nothing.

Cancer:  You probably feel tuned in to your spirituality and to the needs of those around you today.  Nurturing others is something is fulfilling to Cancer, so indulge in the act of caring for another.  Open yourself to seeing beauty today.

Leo: Buying and selling is favored today, as you're able to communicate clearly at this time.  Take care to listen to others when the spotlight is no longer on you.  Do whatever it takes to maintain your mental clarity.

Virgo: It's a great time to make decisions about your finances.  It's a good day for spending quality time with someone you really care about or an older person you respect.

Libra:  You're likely to feel very strongly about some topic or point of view you have today.  Pay attention and don't try to force others to agree with you or take an interest in something they don't seem to care about.  Seek out those who are on the same page as you to share today's passionate feelings with.

Scorpio: It's another great day concerning your career/job.  Expect some kind of bonus, whether it's better shifts, a new opportunity, or an increase in pay.  Sink your teeth into your work and open up to possibilities.

Sagittarius: You may behave a little childishly today because of a desire to do what you want to do instead of what you should be doing.  If you're able, free up your schedule to give yourself the freedom to go wherever the wind takes you.

Capricorn: You may feel a little awkward today as you're likely to be emotional.  This isn't your comfort zone if you're a typical Capricorn.  Try to embrace this bout of intuition and feeling.  Bond with emotional people you care about today.

Aquarius: You probably feel very decisive and certain of what you believe in today (well, that's kind of natural for Aquarius every day... but today especially).  Be warned that you may be stirring things up as you voice your solid opinion.

Pisces:  Seek out positive relationships today to get the affection and approval you're likely to seek at this time.  Make time to treat yourself to something indulgent today if you want it out of your system by tomorrow.

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